Thursday, December 24, 2009

Rusted Washing Machine Tub?

Several months ago, I put 2 light weight rugs with Mr. Clean in my tub. I let the rugs soak overnight. Now my washing machine has rusted around the small openings and I also have a holein the tub about 1/2';...what caused this? Can I buy a tub?Rusted Washing Machine Tub?
First of all, why would you put Mr Clean in your washing machine tub? Mr Clean is not designed for soaking in washing machine tubs, It's designed for floor cleaning isn't it?

Time for a new washing machine my dear. Replacing the tub would be very expensive, so much so that it wouldn't justify the repair. It would be cheaper to buy a new machine, especially if you have the traditional top loading standard post agitator type washerRusted Washing Machine Tub?
Never heard of tubs being sold. You need a new washer.
No, I don't believe there is such a replacement part such as a tub, you will need to replace the whole machine now since there is a hole in it, this must of been a defect in the machine in the first place for it to of rusted through, washing machines don't generally rust through unless it was very very old or a very inexpensive brand of washing machine Good Luck !
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