And what needs to be done to the washing machine to fix this problem? Thanks in advanceWhy is my washing machine getting rust on my clothes?
Sounds as if some of the pain of the inner drum has chipped of exposing the metal of the washing drum. Your clothes go through the washing cycle and once the machine stops the clothes stay in contact with the area of the drum having the chipped paint and this transfers rust onto the clothing. There is a product I believe is called ';rust out'; that will remove the rust from your clothes. To prevent the occurrence you need to find the area of the inner drum that has the chipped paint and touch it up with appliance paint from any home center. Until then just remove your clothes the moment they're done washing and don't let them sit there until you can place them in the dryer.Why is my washing machine getting rust on my clothes?
The are only two possibilities:
1) The water coming in is rusted (either due to ruptured water lines, or maintenance on them) depositing on the clothes.
2) The coating on the drum has broken down and the metal is oxidizing / rusting. the rust breaks off, and wind up on the clothes.
For #1 run the water for 10 minutes, or until you get a clear glass of water.
For #2 Replace the machine.
RIGHT ON ABOVE! the water or the machine have to be the source of the rust. What no one has mentioned yet is that you may have older Galvanized water piping or a bad water heater and this could be the source of the rust. If your clothes basket has a chipped place the rust can be comming from there. AND you might be confusing rust with mud. Some water supplies get muddy from time to time whether they are municipal or wells. If you have a well it may be drawing all the water down and mud may be comming in and if your water runs through.
You'll have to do some investigation and ellimination to get to the source of the problem. Try filling the bath tub with hot water only and let it cool before a bath. If no rust here after 4 or 5 baths its a pretty safe bet its the washer. However the piping can still be ran so you have rusty water to the washer and not to the tub. so next turn off the hot water and use only cold in your washer. If the problem is still there then it is even more likely that its the washer.
Feel around on the inside of your washer tub for rough spots. If any there look over with a good light and see if rusty. or chipped. Be careful not to cut fingers while feeling. If you find a rusty spot ask at an appliance repair, or a store with appliance department (sears, Ace hardware, any place but Lowes the help there wont know and if they think they know you might not get the right stuff) if they have porcelin chip paint. Usually in a verry small bottle 1 to 3 ozs. Color shouldnt matter unless your clothes are allergic to a specific color.
If you have your own well water, it is probably iron in your water. You can get a softener, or an iron filter. Have your water tested, to make sure what you need. You may need both. If you already have rust spots on white clothes, you can use Whink, to take out the stains. Be careful on colored clothes though, it will take the color out. Is fine on whites though. Also will clean up iron stains on your kitchen and bathroom fixtures.
Take the hose off of your washing machine
The washing machine ends only. Both hoses.
There should be a little screen in the end of each hose.
Remove the screen with a needle or a toothpick.
Run water through both hoses for about a minute.
Clean the little screens and put them back.
Hook up the hoses again.
Happy washing.
I got rusty clothes for a while, then I figured out a screw had wedged in one of the drain holes and had rusted. Also, your washer basket may have a rust spot.
It is not the washer, it is your water. Put a good filter in line before the water gets to the washer.
It has rust inside it. Or your water is rusty. That's why it is getting rust on your clothes. Sorry, but I don't know how to fix your washing machine.
How old is it? You have a rust problem kinda like Obama is causing.Call Sears.
How old is your H/W heater?
Flush the hoses, disconnect the hotwater hose and wash in cold only.
Don`t Know ! But can you believe that no liberal lemmings blamed it on President Bush ? LOL
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